I woke up to a lovely package this morning...
My Peter Rabbit fabric for patchwork quilt :) | | | | | | | |
I'm very pleased with it, the fabric consists of 18 panels so easy to cut up into patchwork squares.
I also forgot to mention i got a rag rug from the car-boot on Sunday for £1! Think it will going in our bedroom...
Been cleaning the kitchen ALL DAY! But it is spotless, and my new teapot has pride and place on my windowsill, now all i need is for my herbs to grow! Clock is up, and teacups are on display. When i have FINALLY finished, i will put a picture up :)
I did make some more candles today, but when they started to dry the tops of the wax started to sink. Is this normal?
On another not I'm actually quite pleased that it rained today, it's been so hot the last few days. And it's going to be another hot one this weekend!
Finlay definatley wasn't complaining, he loved playing in his paddling pool at his Nanny and Grampys house :)
Hope you all had a lovely day, any plans for the coming week/weekend?
Love to you all, Jodi xx